Give the Gift of Healing
Help us provide a blend of rehabilitation therapies for Ukrainian soldiers and children that have been physically compromised by the war.
Your gift will provide massage therapy to:
1. Treat injuries and relieve pain.
2. Reduce stress levels and feelings of anxiety.
3. Reduce feelings of depression.
4. Improve circulation and reduce muscle soreness.
5. Provide a nurturing place to refocus and find clarity.
Please help us give the gift of healing and mental peace to as many children and soldiers as possible.

Double Your Donation the Easy Way!
One of our sponsors has offered to match any donation over $50 up to $1,000. Donate today and double your donation.

Give them a headstart to a healthier life.
As Americans, we are so blessed to live in a country where health care is accessible and affordable. During this season of giving, please give generously so that we can help those in need.